Upington Park Run
It is a 5km run - it's you against the clock.
When is it?
Every Saturday at 7:00am.
Where is it?
The event takes place at the western end of Liebenberg Street, Middelpos, Upington. See Course page for more details.
Click on the photo for more details.
Naba festival
Augrabies Falls Klipspringer Challenge
Augrabies Falls Klipspringer Challenge - long a favourite on the South African calendar, the renowned but challenging Klipspringer Hiking Trail has provided intrepid and tough hikers the unique opportunity to experience this unspoilt desert wilderness first hand and close up.
Upington Landbou Expo
Upington Landbou Expo - is 'n jaarlikse instelling wat 'n goeie balans het in vermaak en tentoonstellings vir die boer, landbou besigheid en die hele familie. Dit word jaarliks op die Expo gronde in Upington aangebied. Dit is ook die tuiste van die jaarlikse Noordkaap Arabierperd kampioenskappe
Trans Augrabies MTB Stage Race
The Trans Augrabies MTB race takes place over three days from 15 – 17 June 2019 and the total distance is 220 km. The route includes the Augrabies National Park and Riemvasmaak, and ends at Oranjerus, Kanoneiland. It offers participants the opportunity to watch game as well as to cross the Orange River on a floating bridge, and includes 12 km tar, 136 km gravel, 85 km jeep tracks and 14 km single tracks.